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Home > Presentation Items > Pewter Tankards
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These quality pewter beer tankards are handmade in England and have a bright polished finish to the exterior and a satin finish inside. These one pint tankards have a sturdy square shaped handle and can be personalised via engraving applied to the body. They are supplied in a black carton box as standard, with two upgrade options: one is a dark grey silk lined lidded box, and the other a deluxe wooden hinged presentation box with clasp.
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(Details shown apply to the default selection)
Fancy Handle Plain Pewter Pint Tankard£30.00
Polished finish plain (undecorated) pewter pint tankard with fancy handle.
Standard Double Lined One Pint Pewter Tankard£28.00
Bright polished finish with double line detail at top and bottom. Square handle.
Standard Satin One Pint Pewter Tankard£26.00
Satin finish one pint pewter tankard with plain (undecorated) body. Square handle.